Linux Weekly Round-Up #2

Linux Weekly Round-Up #2

In this week's Linux Weekly Round-Up we have plenty to look at as always!

Linux Distros wise there have been nearly no new releases until Thanksgiving was over, which makes sense and then they started to roll in.  I expected to see many new releases until Christmas, which is very exciting, including Linux Mint 19.1.  I expect to see Mint 19.1 Beta sometimes at the end of this week or next week as Mint always brings out a newsletter at the end of each month and it seems like the perfect time for the release and we already know that 19.1 will be out by Christmas.

The Linux Releases of this week were Pearl Linux 7.1 (feels like Mac OS), Bluestar Linux 14.19.2, Nitrux 1.1.0, Ultimate Edition 6.0 XFCE and Pisi Linux 2.1.  Links are below for more information.

App-wise, the highlight of this week is week is the release of LibreOffice 6.2 Beta 1 and it gives us a glimpse of what is to come and it is filled with more personalization, themes, and fonts, etc.

For this week's hardware hot spot I want to look at Asus Routers, available all over the world, cheap, well build and reliable (talking from experience), but the main thing which stands out for me is that they are open-source with even complicated instructions to build it on Ubuntu and Fedora, check links for more information.

Well, that is it!  See you next week!

Johan Seyfferdt,
Linux Made Simple

Pearl Linux 7.1 -
Bluestar Linux 14.19.2 -
Nitrux 1.1.0 -
Ultimate Edition 6.0 XFCE -
Pisi Linux 2.1 -

LibreOffice 6.2 Beta 1 -

Asus Open Source Routers -

Backups are one of the most vital parts of owning a computer, but most people ignore it until it's too late! Here is a post all about backup solutions for you!

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