Linux Weekly Roundup #144


We had a full, wonderful week in the world of Linux releases with Deepin 20.2.3, CarbonUI
, Zorin OS 16 Core, Manjaro 21.1, SparkyLinux 6.0, KaOS 2021.08, Pardus Linux 21.0, Pisi Linux 2.2.1, and MX 21-beta1 "Fluxbox".

LibreOffice 7.2 has also been released this week!

Have a great week.

Johan Seyfferdt,
Linux Made Simple

Last Week:
Debian 11 -

This Week:
Deepin 20.2.3 -
Manjaro 21.1 KDE -
CarbonUI -
Zorin 16 Core -

Third-Party (all others and more) -
