Linux Weekly Roundup #22

Hello and welcome to this week's Linux Roundup and we had a full week of Linux releases, mainly due to the release of Ubuntu 19.04.

The following distros had a release in the past week, Feren OS 19.04 Cinnamon, Ubuntu 19.04 and its flavors, Pop!_OS 19.04 and Netrunner Rolling 19.04.

App-wise KDE apps 19.04 has been released in this week as well.

Well, this is the Linux Roundup for this week, thank you for reading!

I attached Bluestar Linux 5.0.7 as well, which I mentioned last week and for Ubuntu and its flavors, I just made a what's new in Ubuntu 19.04 video and blog.

See you next week!
Johan Seyfferdt

Bluestar Linux 5.0.7 -
Feren OS 19.04 -
What's new in Ubuntu 19.04 -
