How to completely uninstall Wine from Linux Mint 19.1

Today we are looking at how to completely uninstall Wine from your system.  You might want to remove Wine, if something went wrong with your installation, or if you want to use a different version of Wine, or just want to use native Linux apps and want to remove Wine completely.  You might have a completely different reason as well, and that's great.

These steps will completely remove Wine from your system, all the local config files, all your wine apps, all menu entries, and wine and all its dependencies.  If you had winetricks installed you need to run sudo apt winetricks as well.

We are using Linux Mint 19.1 as our system in this video, if you use Ubuntu or any other Linux Distro, please write to me and I will try to assist you.

Instructions Used:
go to your home folder and remove
winehq.key and .wine folder

in a terminal
cd $HOME
rm .config/menus/applications-merged/wine*
rm -r .local/share/applications/wine
rm .local/share/desktop-directories/wine*
rm .local/share/icons/????_*.xpm

go to software sources
remove wine repositories which you found there

in a terminal
sudo apt purge winehq*
sudo apt autoremove

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