Nitrux 13012020

Today we are looking at Nitrux 13012020 and I was pleasantly amazed.  The last time, I was looking at Nitrux was in November 2018 and I thought that they have some clever ideas but when I just tested things out a bit, it was all falling apart and I stopped looking at it.

However, I looked at their latest release and I was amazed, they customized KDE Plasma, as no one did before and it looks stunning yet still very stable and uses a decent amount of ram when idling.

It isn't perfect yet, apps like LibreOffice is still 6.0, which came out in Ubuntu 18.04 in April 2018 and the mouse movements felt at times a bit laggy, but it is small things which they will sort out.  I think this is like a dev release building up for their release based on Ubuntu 20.04.  

It uses Linux Kernel 5.4, KDE Apps 19.12.1, KDE Plasma 5.17.5 and uses about 600MB of ram when idling.

We will be keeping our eyes on Nitrux for sure!

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