All Chromebooks with a AMOLED display in 2024

In this article. we created a list of all the Chromebooks with AMOLED displays.

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Samsung Galaxy Chromebook
This Chromebook is a 2 in 1 device.  It comes with a 13.3-inch 4K UHD AMOLED, touch display, a 256GB SSD, 8GB of ram, and a Stylus Pen.  It has Linux Apps (Crostini) and Android Apps support and will receive auto-updates until June 2030.  Buy it now on Amazon

This Chromebook is also available in silver.  Buy it now on Amazon

Samsung Galaxy Chromebook (Enterprise Edition)  - Buy it now on Amazon
This Chromebook is a 2 in 1 device.  It comes with a 13.3-inch 4K UHD AMOLED, touch display, a 256GB SSD, 8GB of ram, and a Stylus Pen.  It has Linux Apps (Crostini) and Android Apps support and will receive auto-updates until June 2030.
