How to install MPV Player on a Chromebook

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing MPV Player on your Chromebook. MPV is a free, open-source, and cross-platform media player. It's known for its minimalist interface and powerful features, making it a popular choice among video enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Why Install MPV Player?

MPV Player offers several advantages over other media players:

  • Lightweight and fast performance
  • Support for a wide range of video and audio formats
  • Customizable interface and keyboard shortcuts
  • High-quality video output with various scaling algorithms


Before we begin, ensure that your Chromebook supports Linux apps (Crostini). If you're unsure, you can check our list of Chromebooks with Linux Apps support.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Follow these steps to install MPV Player on your Chromebook:

1. Enable Linux Apps

If you haven't already enabled Linux apps on your Chromebook, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Chromebook's Settings
  2. Click on the "Advanced" section in the left panel
  3. Click on the "Developers" section
  4. Turn on the "Linux development environment" option

2. Open the Terminal

Once Linux apps are enabled, open the Terminal app on your Chromebook.

3. Update Package List

First, we'll update the package list to ensure we're installing the latest version:

sudo apt update

4. Install MPV Player

Now, let's install MPV Player using the following command:

sudo apt install mpv

This command will download and install MPV Player along with any necessary dependencies.

Using MPV Player

After installation, you can launch MPV Player from your app drawer or by typing 'mpv' in the terminal. To play a video file, you can either drag and drop the file onto the MPV window or use the command line:

mpv /path/to/your/video.mp4

MPV Player offers numerous keyboard shortcuts for control. Here are a few basic ones to get you started:

  • Space: Play/Pause
  • Left/Right Arrow: Seek backward/forward
  • Up/Down Arrow: Volume up/down
  • F: Toggle fullscreen


If you encounter any issues during installation or while using MPV Player, here are a few tips:

  • Ensure your Chromebook's software is up to date
  • Try restarting your Linux environment
  • Check if there are any error messages in the terminal during installation

If you're still having trouble, don't hesitate to reach out for help in the comments section of our YouTube video.

Additional Resources

To learn more about MPV Player and its features, visit the official MPV website. You can also refer to our Google Doc used in the tutorial for additional information.

We hope this guide helps you successfully install and use MPV Player on your Chromebook. Enjoy your enhanced media playback experience!

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