How to install Godot 4 Mono on a Chromebook in 2024

Godot 4 Mono is a powerful, open-source game engine that's rapidly gaining popularity among developers. Its Mono version allows for C# scripting, expanding the possibilities for game creation. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing Godot 4 Mono on your Chromebook in 2024, opening up a world of game development opportunities right on your portable device.

Understanding Godot 4 Mono

Godot 4 Mono combines the robust features of the Godot engine with the ability to use C# for scripting. This combination offers several advantages:

  • Access to the extensive .NET ecosystem
  • Improved performance for complex game logic
  • Familiarity for developers coming from Unity or other C#-based environments
  • Cross-platform development capabilities

By installing Godot 4 Mono on your Chromebook, you're equipping yourself with a versatile tool that can handle everything from 2D pixel art games to complex 3D environments.


Before we begin the installation process, ensure that your Chromebook supports Linux apps (Crostini). Most modern Chromebooks do, but if you're unsure, you can check our comprehensive list of supported Chromebooks. Having Linux support is crucial as it allows us to use powerful development tools like Godot on ChromeOS.

Installation Process

Let's dive into the step-by-step process of installing Godot 4 Mono on your Chromebook. We'll be using Flatpak, a universal package management system, to streamline the installation process.

1. Update Your System

Always start with a system update to ensure you have the latest packages and security updates:

sudo apt update

2. Install Flatpak

Flatpak allows us to install and manage applications in a sandbox environment, ensuring consistency across different Linux distributions:

sudo apt install flatpak

3. Add Flathub Repository

Flathub is a centralized repository for Flatpak applications. Adding it gives us access to a wide range of software, including Godot:

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

4. Install Godot 4 Mono

Now, let's install Godot 4 Mono using Flatpak:

sudo flatpak install flathub org.godotengine.GodotSharp

5. Configure Permissions

This final step ensures that Flatpak has the necessary permissions to run Godot:

sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/bwrap && sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/bwrap

Video Tutorial

For a visual guide through this process, check out our step-by-step video tutorial:

Understanding the Installation Process

Let's break down why each step in the installation process is important:

  • System Update: This ensures your Chromebook has the latest security patches and package information, reducing the risk of conflicts during installation.
  • Flatpak Installation: Flatpak provides a sandboxed environment for applications, which is particularly useful on ChromeOS as it doesn't interfere with the base system.
  • Adding Flathub: This gives you access to a vast repository of applications, making it easier to install and update not just Godot, but many other development tools in the future.
  • Godot Installation: By using Flatpak, we ensure we're getting the official, up-to-date version of Godot 4 Mono.
  • Permission Configuration: This step is crucial for allowing Flatpak to create the necessary sandboxed environment for Godot to run properly on your Chromebook.

Getting Started with Godot

After installation, you can launch Godot from your Chromebook's app drawer. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Godot interface by creating a new project and exploring the editor.
  • Check out the official Godot documentation for tutorials and guides on game development.
  • Join the Godot community forums to connect with other developers and get help when needed.
  • Start with small projects to get a feel for the engine before tackling more complex games.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure your Chromebook's Linux environment is up to date
  • Restart your Chromebook and try the installation process again
  • Check that you have sufficient storage space in your Linux container
  • If you receive permission errors, double-check that you're using 'sudo' where necessary
  • Make sure your Chromebook's firmware is up to date

If you continue to face difficulties, don't hesitate to reach out through a comment on our YouTube tutorial video. Our community is here to help!

Additional Resources

To further assist you in your Godot journey, we've prepared a Google Doc with additional information and tips. This document is regularly updated with new insights and troubleshooting advice.

For comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and community support, visit the official Godot website. The Godot community is known for being welcoming and supportive, making it an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced developers.


Congratulations! You've successfully installed Godot 4 Mono on your Chromebook. This powerful tool opens up a world of game development possibilities right at your fingertips. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an experienced developer looking to create on the go, your Chromebook is now ready for game development action.

Remember, game development is a journey of continuous learning and creativity. Don't be afraid to experiment, make mistakes, and most importantly, have fun with your projects. With Godot 4 Mono on your Chromebook, you have a portable game development studio that you can take anywhere.

Happy coding, and we can't wait to see what amazing games you'll create with Godot on your Chromebook!

For more Chromebook tips, tricks, and guides, don't forget to check out our Chromebook comparison and Buyers Guide.
