Today we are looking at an app that I thought Linux was missing for a long time when I just moved to Linux more than 5 years ago and that was System Restore Points. Windows has perfectionised it and it was one of the easiest tools in Windows to fix minor issues, by just reverting back to how it was when everything was perfect. However, when Linux Mint 18.3 came out and the perfectionised it in Linux Mint 19, Linux got system restore points that actually works and the good thing about open source is that all distros can use it! Here I show how to install it on any Ubuntu based system and in the link about PPA there is a script to install it on any Linux distro. Enjoy!
Ps. This is not a backup solution, this is a system restore point app.
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt-get install timeshift
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