Hello and well come to this week's Linux Roundup.
It has been a full Linux week, especially over this weekend with many distro releases (I am well behind in videos and blog making) and LibreOffice 6.2 is great and is awesome!
The Linux distros, with releases (and release names) in the last week are: Condres OS 19.02, OpenSUSE 15.1 Alpha, Antergos 19.2, Redcore Linux 18.12, Chakra Linux 2019.01 RC3, OpenMandriva 4.0 Beta, MX Linux 18.1, Netrunner OS 19.01 "Core", and SharkLinux 4.15.0-45.
There are even a few more, you can look at distrowatch.com, but these are the ones I am mostly interested in because they are perfect for workstations.
I haven't been able to look at all of them, but I am planning to look at most of them in this coming week.
The app pick of this week has to be LibreOffice 6.2 which focus on customization and I made several videos about it. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for reading this letter and see you next week!
Johan Seyfferdt
Condres OS 19.02 - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/condres-os-1902.html
OpenSUSE 15.1 Alpha - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/opensuse-151-alpha.html
Antergos 19.2 - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/antergos-192.html
Redcore Linux 18.12 - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/redcore-linux-1812-lxqt.html
How to install LibreOffice 6.2 and more - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/how-to-install-libreoffice-62-on-linux.html
It has been a full Linux week, especially over this weekend with many distro releases (I am well behind in videos and blog making) and LibreOffice 6.2 is great and is awesome!
The Linux distros, with releases (and release names) in the last week are: Condres OS 19.02, OpenSUSE 15.1 Alpha, Antergos 19.2, Redcore Linux 18.12, Chakra Linux 2019.01 RC3, OpenMandriva 4.0 Beta, MX Linux 18.1, Netrunner OS 19.01 "Core", and SharkLinux 4.15.0-45.
There are even a few more, you can look at distrowatch.com, but these are the ones I am mostly interested in because they are perfect for workstations.
I haven't been able to look at all of them, but I am planning to look at most of them in this coming week.
The app pick of this week has to be LibreOffice 6.2 which focus on customization and I made several videos about it. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for reading this letter and see you next week!
Johan Seyfferdt
Condres OS 19.02 - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/condres-os-1902.html
OpenSUSE 15.1 Alpha - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/opensuse-151-alpha.html
Antergos 19.2 - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/antergos-192.html
Redcore Linux 18.12 - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/redcore-linux-1812-lxqt.html
How to install LibreOffice 6.2 and more - https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2019/02/how-to-install-libreoffice-62-on-linux.html
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