Today we are looking at VirtualBox which is one of my favorite apps that I use for nearly all my videos, rest assure that Linux is my host system as well. Today we are going to look at how to install it on Ubuntu and I am also going to tell you of some of the nice features it has.
As I said before it works great for video creation and spinning up distros and removing them but at my previous work, I moved to a different city, I had servers running 24/7 just with VirtualBox and it has never disappointed me. So I can really recommend it!
Install VirtualBox:
As seen in the video below, a person goes to the website and get the latest package from the official site as well as the extension pack, and install it with your build in the software center.
If you are familiar with the terminal you can also use the command below to install it
sudo apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack virtualbox-qt
Download Link:
Official Site:
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To upgrade to a newer version:
When a newer version of VirtualBox is released and you would like to have it, a person needs to do basically the same then installing VirtualBox from the website and your system will install the newer version over the older version. Enjoy!
I used Gdebi in this video toinstalll the deb package, you can either use your build in software center to install it, or install Gdebi via your software center or in the terminal with sudo apt-get install gdebi
Install Virtual Machines:
Installing operating systems in very easy, when you open up VirtualBox, you will see a button called "New" and click on it. This will open up a Wizard where you can spin up your virtual machine. After creating it, you can even right click on the Virtual Machine and go to settings to add additional features like more ram or extra CPU cores. When everything is ready you need to have an ISO ready of the operating system which you would like to install. The great thing about VirtualBox is that you do not have to make a bootable USB or DVD of your ISO, a person use the ISO just as you downloaded it and when a person opens up the virtual machine for the first time, it will ask you what ISO you want to use, and then you just choose the ISO you want and the rest is the same as normal.
Other tips and tricks:
"Right Ctrl f" will make your Virtual Machine full screen.
A person can create snapshots which you can return to easily.
VirtualBox also has a function to make backups and restore Virtual Machines. I always used Snapshots just for temporary backups and for important Virtual Machines I make complete backups, sometimes even once a week and store it at other locations, for extra security.
A person can also clone virtual machines so you can have two or more of the same virtual machines.
It has many more functions and I would encourage you to explore it!
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