How to install Microsoft Edge on a Chromebook

Microsoft Edge, once exclusive to Windows, has now expanded its reach to various platforms, including Chromebooks. This guide will walk you through the process of installing Microsoft Edge on your Chromebook, opening up new possibilities for your browsing experience.

Why Install Microsoft Edge on a Chromebook?

You might wonder why you'd want to install Microsoft Edge on a device designed to run Chrome. Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Microsoft Ecosystem Integration: If you're heavily invested in Microsoft's services like Office 365 or OneDrive, Edge offers seamless integration.
  • Unique Features: Edge boasts some features not found in Chrome, such as vertical tabs and collections, which can enhance your productivity.
  • Privacy Options: Edge provides different privacy settings that some users might prefer over Chrome's options.
  • Performance: Some users report better performance with Edge, especially when using Microsoft services.
  • Cross-Platform Syncing: If you use Edge on other devices, you can sync your bookmarks, passwords, and settings across all platforms.

Important Prerequisites

Before we dive into the installation process, it's crucial to ensure your Chromebook meets the necessary requirements:

Video Tutorial

For those who prefer visual guidance, we've included a video tutorial demonstrating the installation process:

We recommend following along with both the video and the written instructions for the best results.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Enable Linux Apps: If you haven't already, enable Linux apps on your Chromebook. Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Developers, and turn on Linux apps.
  2. Download Microsoft Edge: Visit the official Microsoft Edge download page and download the appropriate .deb file for your system.
  3. Locate the Download: Open your Chromebook's file manager and find the downloaded .deb file.
  4. Install the .deb File: Double-click the .deb file to open it with your Chromebook's package installer. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

After following these steps, Microsoft Edge should be successfully installed on your Chromebook and ready for use.

Keeping Edge Updated

To ensure you're always using the latest version of Microsoft Edge with the newest features and security updates, it's important to keep your browser updated. Here's a video tutorial on how to update your Linux container and applications, which includes Edge:

Regularly updating your browser ensures you have access to the latest features and security patches, keeping your browsing experience smooth and secure.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure your Chromebook's software is up to date
  • Restart your Chromebook and attempt the installation process again
  • Verify that you have adequate storage space for the installation
  • If the graphical installation fails, you can try using the terminal to install the .deb file manually

If you're still experiencing difficulties, don't hesitate to reach out to us via a comment on the YouTube tutorial video. We're here to assist you!

Making the Most of Your Chromebook

Installing Microsoft Edge is just one way to enhance your Chromebook experience. Here are some additional resources to help you get the most out of your device:

We hope this guide has been helpful in getting Microsoft Edge up and running on your Chromebook. Enjoy exploring a new browsing experience and the added flexibility it brings to your device!
