How to install BrickLink Studio on a Chromebook

Today, we'll explore how to install BrickLink Studio on a Chromebook. This guide is designed to complement our video tutorial, providing detailed written instructions and commands to help you through the process.

Important Compatibility Note

Before we begin, it's crucial to note that this tutorial is specifically for Chromebooks with Intel or AMD CPUs that support Linux Apps. Unfortunately, this method won't work on Chromebooks with ARM64 architecture CPUs.

What is BrickLink Studio?

BrickLink Studio is a powerful 3D modeling software specifically designed for LEGO enthusiasts. It allows users to create digital LEGO models, design custom sets, and even generate building instructions. By installing it on your Chromebook, you're opening up a world of creative possibilities right at your fingertips.

Installation Process

The installation process involves using Wine, a compatibility layer that allows Windows applications to run on Linux-based systems. Here's a step-by-step guide to get BrickLink Studio up and running on your Chromebook:

1. Prepare Your System

First, we need to add 32-bit architecture support and set up the Wine repository:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
wget -nc && sudo apt-key add winehq.key
echo "deb bookworm main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine_chrome_os_made_simple.list
sudo apt update

2. Install Wine and Dependencies

Next, we'll install Wine along with some recommended packages:

sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable winbind pipewire

3. Configure Wine

Run the Wine configuration tool to set up your Wine environment:


4. Download and Install BrickLink Studio

Now, let's download the BrickLink Studio installer and run it using Wine:

wine Studio+2.0.exe

5. Launch BrickLink Studio

Once the installation is complete, you can launch BrickLink Studio using the following command:

wine start .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Studio\ 2.0/Studio.exe

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the installation or while running BrickLink Studio, here are a few things to try:

  • Ensure your Chromebook's Linux environment is up to date by running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • If you experience graphical glitches, try adjusting the Wine graphics settings in the Wine configuration tool
  • For performance issues, close unnecessary applications and tabs to free up system resources

Additional Resources

To help you get started with BrickLink Studio, we've prepared a Google Doc with additional tips and tricks.

For more information about BrickLink Studio, visit the official BrickLink Studio website.

To learn more about Wine, the software that makes this installation possible, check out the Wine project website.

Video Tutorial


By following this guide, you should now have BrickLink Studio installed and running on your Chromebook. This opens up a world of creative possibilities for LEGO design right on your Chrome OS device. Remember, if you encounter any difficulties or have questions, feel free to reach out to us through the YouTube comments on our tutorial video. Happy building!

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