How to install Neverball on a Chromebook

Chromebook Specials

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing Neverball on your Chromebook. Neverball is an exciting 3D arcade game that challenges players to tilt the floor to guide a ball through an obstacle course before time runs out. It's a great way to test your reflexes and spatial awareness while having fun on your Chromebook.

Preparing Your Chromebook

Before we begin, ensure that your Chromebook supports Linux apps (Crostini). If you're unsure, you can check our list of Chromebooks with Linux Apps support.

Enabling Linux Apps

If you haven't already enabled Linux apps on your Chromebook, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Chromebook's Settings
  2. Click on the "Advanced" section
  3. Select "Developers"
  4. Click on "Turn On" next to "Linux development environment (Beta)"
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup

This process may take a few minutes, depending on your internet connection speed.

Installing Neverball

Once Linux is set up on your Chromebook, you're ready to install Neverball. We'll use the terminal to do this. Don't worry if you're not familiar with the terminal; we'll guide you through each step.

Open the Linux terminal and enter the following commands:

1) sudo apt update
2) sudo apt install neverball

Let's break down what these commands do:

  • sudo apt update: This command updates your package lists, ensuring you have the latest information about available software.
  • sudo apt install neverball: This command installs Neverball on your Chromebook.

The installation process may take a few minutes, depending on your internet speed and Chromebook's performance.

Running Neverball

After the installation is complete, you can launch Neverball from your Linux apps menu or by typing neverball in the terminal.

Video Tutorial

For a visual guide on installing Neverball, check out our step-by-step video tutorial:

Additional Resources

For more information about Neverball, including gameplay tips and community forums, visit the official Neverball website.

If you're interested in exploring more Linux apps for your Chromebook, check out our Google Doc used in the tutorial for a list of recommended applications.


Installing Neverball on your Chromebook is a straightforward process that opens up new gaming possibilities. Remember, Linux apps on Chromebooks are still in beta, so you might occasionally encounter minor issues. If you do, don't hesitate to seek help in the Chromebook or Linux communities online.

Enjoy your new game, and happy gaming on your Chromebook!

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